There are two kinds of people: those who read the instructions and those who don’t. I imagine most of us belong to the latter group. As a teacher for years, I can swear to the fact that teachers are worse about following instructions than students. I guess we all believe we’ll figure that out. We’re smart and creative, right?
In 1987, I went from Kentucky to a work camp at Inman Christian Center in San Antonio during a really hot July. We were scraping and painting the playground equipment. On the second day, one of the center staff asked if anyone knew how to set up a computer system. We had Apples at home. I used mine all the time but felt sure someone knew more than I did. However no one did and the task meant working inside in the air conditioning so I volunteered. This was a WANG, one of the early makes and not a bit user friendly but I set it up and trained staff. When I called George to tell him what I was doing, he gasped and asked, “How did you do that?” To his great surprise, I answered, “I read the instructions”
Sometimes that’s a good place to start.
I learned that again a few weeks ago. I make a full pot of coffee every couple of days and stretch the length of time it lasts by adding water to the tank. However, it does get weaker and weaker so I decided to add the already made coffee to the tank which will warm it up without thinning it. Yes, I know the instructions say, “Use only water in the tank” but I considered that over regulation by a big business and poured my coffee in. An hour later, I smelled something burning and searched for the cause. Quickly I realized it smelled like burning coffee. Oh-oh. I poured water into the reservoir. Issue resolved. Coffee odor gone. Lesson learned.
Which are you? Do you always follow directions or do you take off on your own?