I hate using sports as a metaphor for life: it’s too easy and too cliched. On the other hand, I love sports, watch every minute of the Olympics I can find, buy packages for our cable service for college basketball, watch live events on my computer. Many years ago, before we could get University of Louisville basketball games on cable, my husband and I drove around Big Spring, Texas, searching for the clear channel coverage from nearly two-thousand miles away.
So, I rationalize. I do NOT use sports as metaphors for life. I use sports as EXAMPLES of just about anything.
For example: Last year, when American gymnast Sam Mikulak dismounted from a routine, he hit the mat so hard he broke both ankles. This year, he competed
for and made the US Olympic team. That is PASSION! He must love gymnastics and competition to return to the sport which caused him such pain and months of rehab. On top of that, his ankles never had time to completely recover so there’s always pain, always the chance his ankle will go out.
Is there anything you love that much? Not me. Two broken ankles and I’m pretty much over that. Actually, a sprain would discourage me.
Well, that’s not completely true. I love to write. Because of scoliosis, sitting at a desk can be painful. I prop myself up on a pillow in a comfortable chair and have a jerry rigged foot rest–a pillow on top of a box–to lift my feet. Recently we purchased a wonderfully comfortable and supporting reclining chair with ottoman where I edit. Due to carpal tunnel, I have an ergonomic keyboard, a mouse pad with a soft cushion for my wrist, and a couple of wrist braces. And still I hurt but I
have to write! I tell people I write so I don’t have to clean the oven and that’s partly true. I have no passion for wiping down counters or vacuuming but I do for writing.
What is your passion? What do you love to do more than anything else?