If you’ve read my Facebook posts, you know I’ve been sick for two weeks. I thought it was allergies until I woke up with a cough that hurt my entire body and a voice like a dying buffalo. Another hint I’m really sick is that I wake up in the middle of the night hearing a very soft, “Meow, meow,” and realize the sound is coming not from a cat but my lungs. Finally went to the doctor who gave me a strong antibiotic, a steroid pack, codeine-laced cough syrup and several inhalers. I think she was worried about me.
And for two weeks, I suffered not only the breathing/coughing problems but also the side effects of the drugs.
I don’t take steroids because I experience ‘roid rage. Terrible, terrible ‘roid rage. I’ll be chatting with a friends and, suddenly and without warning, flames come out of my mouth. This time, I’ve stayed home and talked to as few people as possible because I do like to keep my friends and I don’t want anyone to gossip about the vicious woman in apartment 514.
With the antibiotic, I discovered two side effects after I looked them up last week: confusion and extreme drowsiness. Not a surprise. I was so confused and sleepy, I was barely able to google the side effects. Add to that the cough syrup with copious amounts of codeine and I might as well stay in bed so I wouldn’t hurt myself or others. In my confusion, I forgot the time change and arrived at church an hour early Sunday–just in time for Sunday school. About the drowsiness: Saturday I sat down to a full day of college football and slept through entires halves. Once I slept through most of a game and woke up to see teams in uniforms I didn’t recognize.
One of my favorite times of the day is after breakfast when I sit on the sofa, drink coffee and watch the news with one cat on my lap and the other next to me. The three of us slept all morning. I tried editing a book and kept falling asleep on the pages. When a writer falls asleep while reading her own novel–well, not a good sign.
And the confusion! I looked for an early voting place and never found it. I called about an electric bill which I don’t owe and never understood the explanation. I worried I’d entered the zone of elderly confusion but, having taken the lat of the antibiotic on Saturday, I discover the fog has cleared.
I’ve lost two weeks but am well. Thank goodness. Excuse me. I think I’m going to take a little nap now.