I spent all morning putting together odds and ends: rolling over a retirement account, setting up new healthcare coverage at a lower price, and, of course, petting Maggie who believes one of our times is “all morning.” But the oddest part was attempting to change my newspaper subscription.
A few months ago, the apartment maintenance man noticed the newspaper at my front door and commented, “You’re the only person in the complex that takes the paper.” I said, “I believe in supporting my local paper.” And I do. But I don’t read that huge Sunday paper because I go to church and don’t have the time that morning. What I hated was putting it in the recycle bin, unopened, on Sunday evening and I was paying for the paper I wasn’t reading. Then it hit me: I’ll cancel the Sunday morning paper and just get it the six morning I read it. But I couldn’t. I called customer service and discovered the Sunday morning edition MUST be part of the package. I could order Wednesday and Sunday or Sunday only, but not NOT Sunday (if you know what I mean). For that reason, I canceled the entire subscription. I hated that because I really need the sports schedule and the carrier is so good. I always give him a present for Christmas. Sorry, Alberto.
Oh, I understand that the Austin American-Statesman probably makes their money on the Sunday ads and needs me to subscribe to increase the numbers so they can sell the ads for more. Yes, I understand that. But when the decision is to have a subscriber six days a week or NO days a week, isn’t that a fairly obvious choice?
(For those of you who may suggest this, I did get an e-version for $10 less a month and no recycling needed.)