Tag Archives: cake

My name is Jane and I’m a chocoholic

I adore chocolate,  lust after it.  I love the feel of the smooth sweetness on my tongue, touching my lips.  Just seeing a piece of chocolate cake makes me happy.  Chocolate cheesecake throws me into songs of joy.

I’m also diabetic, not fun but under control.  Sort of.

In a perfect world, my diet would consist of anything chocolate, pizza and cinnamon bread—maybe lemon ice cream. 

When I go to the grocery store, my hungry eyes fall on delicious treats and I howl in despair because I cannot have them.  Well, actually, I don’t howl out loud because I’m pretty sure the sound would frighten small children and their mothers.  I’m a sensitive diabetic even when craving my brownie.   Anyway, when I see something I yearn to eat, I pick it up and put it in my shopping cart.  I wander around the store for a few minutes, then I return to the shelf, put “my precious” back and the craving is less. 

I must trick my brain.  I didn’t realize my brain was so easily duped but, if it works, great.

Do you have any tricks you use to resist food you shouldn’t have.  Please—no mention of self-control.  On this blog, that’s considered a four-letter word.

The Accidental Cowgirl

Today, a quick blog with my gorgeous and  marvelously creative friend Kit Frazier, the author of SCOOP.  She has the cutest ideas.  Today, she’s going to show us how to create this wonderful chocolate cake using Peeps.  Perfect for an Easter treat.     I wasn’t expecting to blog today but Kit came up with an idea I couldn’t refuse–a description of Easter in Butternut Creek with Ouida making this exact cake!

Please join us at her websitge, The Accidental Cowgirl, at  http://kitfrazier.com/wordpress/

Happy Good Friday and have a blessed Easter.  Hallelujah!