I won’t be blogging for a few days

I’m going to have some MINOR  minor surgery Monday and  should be home by noon.  However, the doctor says I probably won’t be able to email or read for a few days.  

The choice of date wasn’t the best because Monday June 18th–the day I’m having the minor surgery–is George’s and my FORTY-SIXTH anniversary!    But the doctor does surgery only on Mondays and I wanted to go ahead and get it over with.

Because of the date, for the first thirty-five years of our marriage, we seldom celebrated together.  I was often at church camp or on work camps.   It’s nice to be together for the last few years.

He’s a saint to have put up with me all these years.  I find, oddly, that after forty-six years, I love George more than I did when we were  young and gorgeous.  George is still wonderfully handsome, but I show a little wear and tear.   However, the surgeon has promised that after the surgery, I will–again–be stunning.   He showed me this picture of what I can expect.Then he  said, “You’ll look exactly like this.”  I can hardly wait!  

6 thoughts on “I won’t be blogging for a few days

  1. Ah, Jane, you are too funny. All good wishes to you and George, and I’ll be anxiously awaiting the report that the surgery was a smashing success!

    1. One should never use the word “smashing” about surgery. Thanks for the good wishes and good thoughts.

  2. Uhm, yes, of course, Jane. exactly. You remember how I’ve looked exactly like Michelle Pfeiffer ever since my eye surgery. J

  3. Uhm, yes, Jane. Exactly–just like I looked exactly like Michelle Pfeiffer after my eye surgery. Jeanell

    1. That’s who you looked like! Michelle Pfeiffer. I culdn’t quite place it. Thanks.

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