Confession: I am not a patient person

I am not a patient person.    My husband would tell you that is an understatement.

My litle sister once said, “I hate to wait in line.”

I said, “Everyone hates to wait in line.”

She responded, “No one hates to stand in line as much as I do.”

So I guess our impatience is genetic.

Put me in a traffic jam and I’m ready to leap out of the car, find out the problem, and start directing traffic.  My husband would also tell you I’m fairly bossy, too.

I’ve gone around several blocks, even gotten lost once for half-an-hour, because I don’t want to sit at a stop light.

As well as this trait being genetic, it also probably comes from driving with my father.     Both nature and nurture.  He was a very busy medical doctor who made house calls up through the 1960’s.  Because he wasn’t home a lot, I’d go with him when he made calls. Neither was he a patient man.   My father never saw a line of traffic he couldn’t get around.  From him, I learned to pull into a right turn only lane and pull ahead of traffic with a jack-rabbit start.   I stopped doing that when I passed a friend on the right and he mentioned this was illegal.  I may be impatient but I am not a lawbreaker.

What stretches your patience?  Do you consider yourself a fairly patient person or not?




3 thoughts on “Confession: I am not a patient person

  1. Traffic! I can multitask pretty much any other time but not then!

    Or, right now, not so patiently awaiting summer 😉

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